October 27, 2008

Player Interview and Analysis: Xargrr

If you play on Mycenae, chances are pretty good that you've seen the name.

Very, very often.

First place in the hall of fame as of the time of this writing, with 1068 points, 95% wins and 606 matches played since Open Beta started, Xargrr is pretty much THE authority on Mycenae when it comes to PvP combat. We pick his brain about why he likes Atlantica's combat system, his choice of mercenaries, scrolls, and what people aren't doing enough of in PvP.

When did you start playing Atlantica Online?
Xargrr: Started first closed beta, on day one.
Adrean: How'd you hear about it?
Xargrr: From old friends.
Adrean: What made you so interested in playing, originally?
Xargrr: Yes -- I thought using strategy in PvP was a great idea, instead of only pushing buttons 1 to 5.

It seems to many that you always seem to be playing. Just how much do you play a day?
Xargrr: It's very random. When I have school, about 2-4 hours. When I'm free, much more.
Adrean: When you say school, do you mean you're in high school, or in college?
Xargrr: High School.
Adrean: So you're under 18, huh?
Xargrr: Nope, I'm 21 years old.
Adrean: Wait, if you're 21 don't you go to the University?
Xargrr: In Poland, the school system is a bit different. High school is the same as University. So 15 to 18 year olds are in college, then 19 year olds and above go to high school, or University.
Adrean: That's kind of confusing, but thanks for clearing it up!
Xargrr: No problem!

Tell me about your mercenary selection: what made you initially choose a spear frontline over a sword or mixed frontline?
Xargrr: I don't have any spears in my front line!
Adrean: Originally you used to, what made you change your front line? What do you use now?
Xargrr: Spears aren't good tankers with their low defense and magic defense, so now they're in the middle line. In my first line I have my Exorcist, my main and a Witch. Since spears are my main attack power, they can't die so quickly.
Adrean: You're using an Axe main too, aren't you? Why put your main up front?
Xargrr: Because he's invincible with my prophet and monk in the back line. With 19k HP, 17k defense and 920 magic defense, you can't kill him even with 5 deadly strikes at Level 60.
Adrean: That's amazing. How'd you get the defense so high? Really high level over-enchanted equipment?
Xargrr: Yes, Conquerer's +2/+4 gear. Now I'm waiting for Level 100 because I have already a full heavy melee set waiting, so my defense will be even higher.
Adrean: Why use an Axe main in the first place? Rumor has it that Korean players have said that Freezing Axe isn't so good at higher levels, so it doesn't see as much use. What do you think?
Xargrr: For me, it's very useful in both PvP and PvE; Korean players are newbies. Axe main is the best choice, IMO. Having a Viking in a team is a waste of a slot since Viking AP regenerates very slowly and his magic defense is a joke. That's why I use an axe.

What kind of builds did you initially have trouble against as you climbed up the ranks of the Free League? Did you even have any trouble with any builds? How about in Closed Beta?
Xargrr: In CB everything changed way too fast. Once, Archers were overpowered, and then they raised HP in PvP. In Open Beta I had trouble with stun builds up until level 50, but now it's okay. I mainly hate fighting AoE DoT (damage over time) builds, but I've found a tactic against them, too. Craft purification scrolls.

Well, that leads into my next questions. What do you think of random scrolls in PvP?
Xargrr: It's a good idea. It makes PvP more fun. You make a choice: you either kill an enemy mercenary or hit a scroll. It's another good strategy aspect.

What do you think of crafted scrolls in PvP? Do you use them?
Xargrr: You can only craft dispel, purification and awakening scrolls. And yes, I use them sometimes, particularly against AoE DoT builds.
Adrean: Do you like being able to craft and use scrolls in PvP?
Xargrr: Yes, but only these scrolls. Crafting and using Confusion or Judgement scrolls in PvP would be really bad.
Adrean: Which do you think is the most useful?
Xargrr: Purification, since it removes all debuffs from your team.

What do you think of the latest patch? Did it affect you at all? If so, how much?
Xargrr: A bit. My spearmen hit for 15-20% less damage, which is why I changed one of them for a witch.
Adrean: How'd you feel when you realized your Spearmen didn't hit as hard?
Xargrr: I tried PvP. I was still winning 100% of my matches, so I was like, "Whatever."

What do you think needs changing in the game? What's too strong (or too weak)?
Xargrr: Archers are too weak and the Swordsman's Flame Sword is too strong. That's all.
Adrean: So the game's almost perfect as it is?
Xargrr: Hmm... yes.

What do you think of the Weekly Championship rewards? Right now, only the winner really wins anything -- a Heavenly Horse and about 65 million gold in Atlantis Coins. Do you think more players should be rewarded for performing well? Maybe top 16 should receive some gold for their efforts?
Xargrr: Yes, I thought about this already. Tthere should be rewards for the top 8 players. First gets 65 million, second gets 20, third and fourth get 10, fifth through eighth get three. Right now it only rewards the first player.
Adrean: What if ninth through sixteenth got a million, too?
Xargrr: It's a good idea. More people will have more gold. More gold means better equipment. Better equipment means better PvP.

What do you feel people don't do enough of in PvP? Mercenary movement? Scroll use? Debuffs? Holy Guard?
Xargrr: Mercenary movement for sure. When I lower their mercs to 10%, they don't change it for some merc from the middle or back line. And when a mercenary in their front line dies, their chance to win decreases to 50%. Also, they use Holy Guard way too often. It's a really useless spell in PvP. Casting it on your front line is a big mistake.
Adrean: I agree with that, purification seems a lot more useful. But then how do you deal with Spartans and Cannoneers?
Xargrr: Cannoneers are useless against me. Their smoke bomb decreases accuracy by 19%, while my prophet increases it by 29%! And I haven't fought with a Spartan yet so I don't know about it. However, my first line has a very high magic defense, so he wouldn't do well against me, I think.
Adrean: People are saying Smoke Bomb lowers accuracy a lot more than 19% later on in the game. Spartan's War Cry lowers melee damage by 50%. Maybe people just haven't raised Smoke Bomb to a high enough level?
Xargrr: Yes, only on the front line, and I don't attack with my front line. Anyway, when they use smoke bomb, I can use purification scrolls, so it doesn't matter.
Adrean: Isn't Spartan's War Cry a cross-shaped debuff?
Xargrr: Nope, it hits only one line and it decreases combo probability, not attack power.
Adrean: Oh, it's the second hero upgrade that does it in a cross. Oops. Not quite so dangerous, then!
Xargrr: Nope!

This is a bit of a serious question... There've been allegations of botting and even hacking made against you, with your name actually being found on a couple of websites connected with game cheats. What do you have to say about this?
Xargrr: It's just someone who is using my nick on those sites. I was popular in few games... maybe that's why.

Final question. Range or melee and why?
Xargrr: For me, melee. More HP and defense as well as better skills, like AP drain, freezing axe... it's better suited to my tactics.

Alright then, thanks for taking your time to answer all these questions. Anything you'd like to say to anyone reading?
Xargrr: Yes, RAWR! Hamster power :P

Hamster power, indeed! Here's a video of Xargrr in the 4:00PM EST Free League, for those of you unfamiliar with his build and tactics.

Atlantica Online: Xargrr VS Soki (Oct 27, 2008) on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Strill said...

If Set's/Brutal Will are so good, then why not use the witch to mana trap them?