October 27, 2008

Video Analysis: Winning by Time and Scrolls

The following video features me against LinhYue in a Free League fight in the middle of the night. The main goal of the video is to demonstrate the kind of play necessary if you'd rather pull off your wins by time and points rather than by killing your enemy. It's not a surefire strategy, but some builds can definitely force the clock into their advantage if played the right way.

Another goal of the video is to demonstrate how to use scrolls for reasons other than their principal purpose. I use purification scrolls mostly as red herrings along with mercenary replacement to keep LinhYue from stunning me, instead of actually using my Awakenings on time.


Anonymous said...

You're pretty pathetic if this is your only way to win. I've easily beaten this build before. And to think, the person I beat was 30+ levels than I was. Stall all you want pussy. I can see you have no true fighting spirit. Lucky for you, I'm not on your server. I'd rape you each time without fail. Your "stall" tactics are just a poor excuse for having little to no strategy. Good luck lil one. You'll always be a scrub ;-)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I'm actually posting a comment, but this "strat" is the just so retard, it made me burst into tears...